If you are buyer, and you have a fixed logic to execute your suppliers’ early payment request, you can start using the automatic settings in Mode Settings to help your business more convenient.
STEP 1: Please switch to Buyer Solution - Supply Chain Financing on the top tab of Solution Settings.
STEP 2: Click the Management Panel in the Menu, and then click Mode Settings.
STEP 3: You can set an exclusive Reviewing Flow for each supplier. SUPLEX provides three modes:
- Maker Checker - If you choose this settings, the request will be approved and released by those who have Maker and Checker permissions in your company respectively.
- Automatically Accept Early Payment Request - If you choose this setting, your suppliers early payment requests will be automatically accepted. (which means no need Maker&Checker to approve).
- Automatically Transfer Early Payment Request - If you choose this setting, your suppliers early payment requests will be automatically transferred. (which means no need Maker&Checker to approve).
💡 Reminder
- When the Seller status is Block, it will show in grey color and can not modify. You need to change the status first in Supplier Management in the Menu.